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Rejuvenation Treatments

The principle of Ayurveda is that health can be achieved through complete purification of mind and body. Eliminating impurities can help the free flow of energy, which results in health and vitality. For complete rejuvenation and wellness, one should understand his/her individual nature and break free from all adverse lifestyle patterns. Rasayana or rejuvenation is a traditional Ayurvedic technique used to restore the body’s vitality to its fullest capacity.

An Ayurvedic rejuvenation and wellness program usually begins with a consultation with ayurvedic experts who uses pulse assessment to determine body type, and level and location of imbalances. Based on the assessment, an individualized cleanse and rejuvenation program is created to flush out impurities, and target specific areas where a toxic buildup has occurred. In addition, certain dietary and lifestyle restrictions, together with dhyana (meditation) and asana (yoga exercises) are recommended.

Two forms of Rasayana treatments are presently available:

  • The shorter version (Vaataatapika)
  • The longer version (Kuteepraaveshika)

The duration of the treatment depends on the nature of the person and his body composition. If done correctly following Ayurvedic recommendations, Rasayana treatments can nourish, restore and balance body functions and maintain the overall health of an individual.

Ayurvedic Weight Loss Treatments

Abhyanga is the traditional Ayurvedic full-body oil massage done using warm herb-infused oils. Abhyanga aids in joint health, nourishment of the tissues of the body, balance of doshas and improvement of skin texture. It also a way to heal and detoxify the body, mind and spirit.


Shirodhara is a classical and a well-established ayurvedic procedure that involves gentle pouring of medicated oils over the forehead, an area with a high concentration of nerves. The gentle flowing motion creates a sense of tranquility and the semi-heated oil penetrates the nervous system. Shirodhara relaxes the mind and induces a dynamic psycho-somatic balance, similar to the effects of meditation.


Udvartana refers an Ayurvedic massage technique using a medicated powder made from cured herbs and oils. The massage, done opposite to the direction of hair growth, helps in alleviating Kapha and lymphatic toxins. Udvartana also diminishes weight, tones muscles, rejuvenates the body and help lower blood cholesterol.

Navara Kizhi

Navara Kizhi is a type of massage that strengthens the muscles and re-energizes the body. The massage is done by a kizhi or bolus filled with a type of brown rice, cooked with milk and herbs. The kizhi, when rubbed on the body, induces sweat, which heals stiff and swollen muscles. It is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lower back pain.


Nasya is the administration of medicated oils through the nose, which helps to eliminate mucous toxins from head and neck channels. Lightly warmed medicated oils, usually 1 to 8 drops, are dropped into each nostril and the patient is requested to inhale deeply. This is followed by a brisk massage of shoulder, face, palm and sole of limbs.

Bhashpa Sweda

In Bhashpa Sweda or steam bath, medicated steam is applied to the patient’s body (except head) for a certain period of time. The procedure is usually done in a wooden chamber into which medicated steam is released. The perspiration resulting from this procedure opens the pores of the skin and drains out impurities. This freshens up the body and helps reduce body weight.

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